Community Projects


MAPP Consultation Project

Maine is a predominantly rural state, with a population of 1.2 million. The majority of the state’s 300 psychiatrists are geographically concentrated in the lower quarter of the…


Postpartum Depression Project

The Postpartum Depression (PPD) Project was developed with the support of a grant from the American Psychiatric Association in recognition of…


MAPP Community Forums

MAPP also supports a number of community discussion forums (listservs), several of which are available as well to medical and mental health professionals outside of MAPP…

Consultation Project

Maine is a predominantly rural state, with a population of 1.2 million. The majority of the state’s 300 psychiatrists are geographically concentrated in the lower quarter of the state, leaving family practitioners and other primary care providers throughout the state without ready access to psychiatric consultation. The Maine Association of Psychiatric Physicians has addressed this problem with an innovative program called The Consultation Project.

Developed by David Moltz, MD, DLFAPA in collaboration with MAPP and the Maine Academy of Family Physicians, and now funded through a contract with DHHS, the program links volunteer psychiatrists with rural primary care practices. An ongoing consultative relationship is developed, in which the rural practitioner calls on the psychiatrist as needed for advice and guidance. The contacts are by telephone or email, and are in the nature of “informal consultations” rather than treatment or supervision. The primary care provider (PCP), as an independent practitioner, makes the treatment decisions, informed by the consultant’s input.

What is novel about the Consultation Project is the ongoing relationship between consultant and consultee, which allows them to develop a shared body of experience, as well as the opportunity to consult on cases over time. The project has been in operation since 2004, and currently has 25 consultants serving 54 practices, with capacity for more practices to join. We believe that the project has had a substantial impact on the ability of primary care practitioners to provide quality psychiatric treatment across the state.


AAFP Article: Program that Puts FPs in Touch with Psychiatrists Helps Patients in Maine. Published September 2013 (Article will be sent in an e-mail so you can link it here.

10/7/13 – The Consultation Project highlighted in Mental Health Weekly Vol 23 #38 article – Maine psychiatrists step up to plate for strategy to address shortage. “The Consultation Project in Maine borrows from a model common in the primary care world to offer psychiatric support to generalist physicians who carry a heavy burden in mental health treatment.”

For more information, or to join the project as a consultant or consultee, please contact:

Tracy Lloyd, M.Ed., Project Coordinator
Maine Association of Psychiatric Physicians
OR you may contact David Moltz, MD DLFAPA

“Providing psychiatric consultation to primary care practices throughout the state of Maine.”

Postpartum Depression Project

The Postpartum Depression (PPD) Project was developed with the support of a grant from the American Psychiatric Association in recognition of the frequency, underdiagnosis and undertreatment of postpartum depression and the long term serious adverse effects of untreated maternal depression on women and their children. Postpartum depression is the most common complication of childbirth and affects approximately 15% of mothers. The focus of the PPD Project is to provide training programs across medical and mental health specialties and easy access to educational materials to aid in the screening, assessment, and treatment of women who experience depression during pregnancy or the postpartum period. The PPD project also produces a newsletter which is available on this website.


MAPP Community Forums (ListServs)

MAPP also supports a number of community discussion forums (listservs), several of which are available as well to medical and mental health professionals outside of MAPP, including non-member psychiatrists, psychiatric APRNs and PAs, and in one case also to primary care physicians, APRNs and PAs with an interest in mental health or prescribing psychotropic medications. Over the past several years MAPP has worked to facilitate communication and foster a sense of community by sponsoring a number of listservs. These are free services, hosted by A participant who is part of a listserv can send a message to the listserv email address, which is then distributed to all listserv members. They can reply to the individual who sent the message, or to the entire listserv.

There is no charge for this service. Anyone interested in learning more, or joining a listserv, please email the list owner above, or contact Tracy Lloyd, MAPP’s Executive Director and she will send you an invitation.

Listserv Guidelines

Revised 05.10.2021

  • The Members listserv, comprised of MAPP members, will be reserved for clinical issues and discussions, except for policy questions as raised by the EC or the Executive Director. The Clinical Practice listserv, comprised of Maine psychiatric prescribers, will be broader in scope, including both clinical discussions and political or policy issues as they relate to the practice of psychiatry. This distinction will allow members who do not want to engage in political discussions to subscribe only to the Members listserv, while members who are interested in the broader range of discussions can subscribe to both, and non-members can continue to participate in the full range of discussions on the Clinical Practice listserv.
  • All messages on all listservs will maintain a respectful, collegial tone. MAPP is a “big tent” organization, with members holding a wide variety of political opinions. Please also remember that any email has the potential to become public. Don’t write anything that you wouldn’t want your patients or anyone else to see.
  • “Political” discussions should be limited to issues, policies, and systems. There should be no reference to individuals or groups of individuals (e.g., “liberals”, “conservatives”, political parties). The issues discussed should be limited to those that directly affect our patients and the practice of psychiatry, in a broad sense.
  • All messages on all listservs will include an automatic disclaimer, stating that the opinions are of the writer, and not of MAPP.
  • Anyone with concerns about the content or tone of discussions is encouraged to voice them on the listserv. Alternatively, they can contact me ( or Tracy Lloyd, MAPP’s Executive Director ( I will report concerns in  de-identified, summary form to the EC on a regular basis.

Description: Members can help support improved patient care by sharing their expertise here re: clinical questions, answers and discussions.

Open To: All psychiatrists, psychiatric APRNs, and psychiatric PAs practicing in Maine.

Description: Announcements and discussion related to MAPP Journal Club activities.

Open To: All psychiatrists and psychiatric APRNs interested in participating or receiving journal club readings. You cannot request directly via Google Groups to join this group, please contact the owner instead.

Description: A group for discussion among buprenorphine prescribers in Maine.

Open To: All buprenorphine-certified prescribers in Maine, physicians who may be interested in becoming certified to prescribe, and administrators of buprenorphine MAT programs.

Description: Discussion related to the Consultation Project amongst project participants.

Open To: Consultation Project consultants and practices. You cannot request directly via Google Groups to join this group, please contact the owner instead.

Each listserv is designed to serve a particular group of participants. None of those below are limited to MAPP members, in the interest of developing wider communities of interest. Current listservs open to health care professionals who do not belong to MAPP are:

Safe Medicine Disposal for Maine Program:

MAPP is a supporter of and a program partner in the Safe Medicine Disposal for ME program, which provides Maine’s residents with a safe disposal option for unused and unwanted medicine. Free medicine mailback envelopes are available at participating sites.

Please click here to view a Google Map of law enforcement agencies in Maine that accept unused medicines for disposal.
(these sites do not distribute disposal envelopes)


NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) provides advocacy and support for individuals and families struggling with mental illness.. NAMI Maine is a grassroots, membership-based organization established to enhance the lives of everyone impacted by mental health concerns by offering support, education and advocacy statewide.

This mission is achieved by:

  • Offering compassion and supportive services
  • Advocating for improved access and quality of services
  • Providing education about disorders and resources for support
  • Raising public awareness by promoting understanding
  • Communicating the importance of peer support and lived experience
  • Training volunteers and professionals throughout the state
  • Fostering a statewide network of affiliates and support groups

Contact MAPP

P.O. Box 190, Manchester, ME 04251-1090
(207) 480-4194

MAPP Resources

The Maine Association of Psychiatric Physicians Resources section contains a variety of information contributed by MAPP members and other individuals that we hope will be useful to MAPP members, other psychiatric practitioners, and the interested public.

Maine Association of Psychiatric Physicians Membership

Participation is key, and MAPP and APA offer many activities geared to enrich your professional life as well as bring you educational opportunities.
